2013 Preschool Education Program Examining it in Terms of “Positive Thinking and Well-Being”
Preschool Education Programme, Positive Thinking, Well-BeingAbstract
In the preschool period, brain development and the rate of establishment of synaptic connections are intense and rapid. The education to be given in this period should be based on programmes, away from coincidences. In this study, it was aimed to examine the 2013 Preschool Education Programme in terms of "Positive Thinking and Well-Being". Qualitative research model and document analysis method were used in the study and Positive Thinking and Well-Being Analysis Form was prepared based on the literature. The form includes 57 sub-items under five main items. According to the findings of the study, it was seen that the Preschool Education Programme includes the main elements of self-awareness, followed by self-actualisation, empathy, communication and interaction with the group, and communication and interaction with the society; and in terms of sub-elements, the most common elements are taking responsibility, independent thinking, being open to development and learning, having different perspectives, acting in accordance with the decisions made, making efforts in line with the goal set, recognising their emotions and being creative. In addition, it was understood that 12 sub-items in the Positive Thinking and Well-Being Analysis Form were included less and 12 sub-items were not included at all. In line with the results obtained, in the new curriculum development processes, the elements related to positive thinking and well-being should be taken into consideration and more gains and indicators that will support positive thinking and well-being should be included. Also, teachers should be informed and raised awareness about positive thinking and well-being. In this sense, it was seen that the content related to positive thinking and well-being was included more in the updated 2024 Preschool Programme.
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