The IDEA Framework: Integrating Positive Psychology, Yoga, Hypnotherapy, and Bilateral Stimulation for Safety, Stabilization, and Healing of Well-Being




Yoga, Healing, Positive Psychology, Well-being, Hypnotherapy


This article integrates an empowering lens to showcase a multimodal approach that promotes and develops safety, healing, and well-being with a supportive therapist. It describes and explains tenets of positive psychology, yoga, hypnotherapy, and bilateral stimulation to develop client skills to foster safety and healing and consequently, their well-being. Research has shown that these practices can enhance neural connectivity, improve emotional regulation, and reduce stress responses. As a result, safety and stabilization are established for the client. All four of these modalities integrate empowerment and connectedness for the client. The authors also provide examples of integrating the approaches to support clients and their mental health in specific scenarios. This article is the start of a multimodal or scaffolded approach to empower client healing within mental health. The authors provide an acronym, IDEA, which translates to identify (client issue or presenting problem), determine the first approach, engage in integration, and assess and evaluate progress. The IDEA approach can be utilized with one approach at a time or integrate all approaches as necessary. The client’s well-being is prioritized and their ability to heal is emphasized. This article acts as a foundation for future research regarding pathways to safety and healing for well-being. It also provides an evidence-based structure to assist clinicians and clients with their healing of well-being journeys.

Author Biographies

Cindi Saj, Yorkville University, Canada

Dr. Cindi Saj is a full-time faculty member in the Masters of Counselling Psychology program at Yorkville University. Dr. Saj is a full practising member with the British Columbia College of Social Workers with a professional designation in clinical counselling. Her academic training includes a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, Criminology and Social Work, a master’s degree in Social Work (with a clinical stream) and a doctoral degree from the University of Manitoba. Dr. Saj’s doctoral research focused broadly on stress and conflict in practice, burnout within the helping profession and exploring coping strategies and self-care. She has declared competencies in clinical and counselling areas with children and adolescents, with some experience working with adults and families. Dr Saj is the Clinical Director of an Indigenous delegated agency and leads a team of child and youth mental health counsellors. Dr. Saj’s background extends from working as a clinical social worker and mental health counsellor within the Canadian Criminal Justice System and Ministry of Children and Family Development in Ontario, Manitoba and British Columbia.

Rosina Mete, Yorkville University, Canada

Dr. Rosina Mete is the Director of Faculty Recruitment and Training within the Masters of Counselling Psychology Program at Yorkville University. She is a Registered Psychotherapist (Ontario) and a Canadian Certified Counsellor with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA). Dr. Mete originally joined Yorkville University in 2022 as the Course Lead for Assessment. Before joining the Yorkville team, she worked in community health, hospital, academic, and private practice settings. She also has experience as an adjunct professor at other educational institutions. Dr. Mete has won awards for her academic and clinical work. Her research and publications include equity and access to mental health care, stress management, social support, workplace mental health, problem-solving and decision-making, and technology in education. Her recent accomplishments include publishing her dissertation research regarding the impact of social support on emotional wellbeing among a chronically ill (COPD) population in an Ivy League academic journal. Dr. Mete is the President for the CCPA Counsellor Educator & Supervisors Chapter and a Board Member with the Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention (CASP). Her educational credentials include a BSc in Psychology from Carleton University, a MSc in Clinical Mental Health Counselling and a PhD in Leadership and Policy both from Niagara University.


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How to Cite

Saj, C., & Mete, R. (2025). The IDEA Framework: Integrating Positive Psychology, Yoga, Hypnotherapy, and Bilateral Stimulation for Safety, Stabilization, and Healing of Well-Being. International Journal of Positivity & Well-Being, 3(1).