Preliminary Study on Occupational Well-Being among Albanian Teachers in Lower Secondary School
Albanian Teachers, Secondary School, Well-BeingAbstract
This study aims to assess the level of occupational well-being and its three constructions, Organizational, Workload, and Pupil interaction well-being, among Albanian teachers working in lower secondary schools and the effect of demographic features and socioeconomic factors on occupational well-being. The analysis of information obtained from the interview of 198 teachers showed that teachers working in lower secondary schools reported a moderate level of occupational well-being. The levels of both organizational well-being and pupil interaction well-being were positive. Teachers have reported that workload well-being was slightly negative overall. The level of organizational WB, workload WB, and pupil interaction WB varies depending on the teachers' demographic features and social and economic factors. Female teachers, teachers with children, and teachers from families with low and medium incomes declare a higher level of well-being. Teaching experience affects the level of well-being. Teachers in public schools and teachers working in schools located in urban areas declare a higher level of occupational well-being. Based on these results, it is recommended that future reforms and programs in the pre-university education system aimed at increasing occupational well-being should be designed and implemented. This is because of the complexity of the factors responsible for occupational well-being and the characteristics of educational institutions related to their ownership status and location.
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