How Attachment, Independence and Resilience Skills Affect Well-Being During Childhood: Mothers' Views




Attachment, Child, Independence, Resilience, Well-Being


Secure attachment during childhood, the sense of independence gained and the resilience that comes with it, the correct and effective completion of developmental processes, the emergence of positive personality traits in children, the strengthening of these traits, and the satisfaction and pleasure felt from all experiences bring about the child's well-being. Psychological well-being does not only deal with one aspect of the child, but also aims to improve the child holistically by addressing his/her cognitive, emotional and psychological aspects. The aim of the study is to examine the characteristics of preschool children's attachment, independence and resilience skills and well-being. In this purposeful research, a case study based on qualitative data was conducted with semi-structured interview technique in order to examine the well-being characteristics of mothers with preschool children. The research was analyzed using the content analysis method. The research was conducted face to face with 50 mothers of preschool children in the 2022-2023 period. According to the findings, It has been concluded that children who have a secure attachment with their mothers have good physical contact and communication with their mothers, and that children who have a secure attachment have good independence, can solve their own problems, recognize, care about the emotions of others, and all of these are reflected in the child's happiness.


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How to Cite

Özgem, K. (2024). How Attachment, Independence and Resilience Skills Affect Well-Being During Childhood: Mothers’ Views. International Journal of Positivity & Well-Being, 2(1), 58–68.