Well-being expresses functional efficiency and covers physical, emotional, social, and cognitive health. Well-being is the experience of health, happiness, and prosperity. It includes having good mental health, high life satisfaction, a sense of meaning or purpose, and the ability to manage stress. In addition, it is associated with feeling better: improved performance, more satisfactory relationships, enhanced immunity, physical and mental health, self-control, psychological endurance, better self-regulation, and coping with difficulty. Essentially, well-being sheds light on a reality that is oriented towards development and maximizing potential in both individual and universal life.
Today, the necessity of studies within the scope of well-being for healthy generations and productive and successful societies is emphasized; well-being studies in all disciplines are gaining more importance day by day. The Well-Being Research Center (WBRC) is a center established in this context. The Center aims to contribute to the promotion of well-being in social and individual terms. Research, counseling, training, and dissemination of innovative and effective approaches are among the objectives of the center. WBRC is supported by Elite Research and Surgical Hospital (Nicosia, North Cyprus).